Scientific Committee of (ICECKR2018):
1. Prof. Dr. Abdal Amir Saham Resen
- Computer and Communications Engineering Dept.-Engineering College- Nawroz University (NZU).
- PhD in Material Strength from UMIST-UK.
2. Prof. Dr. Ali Haider Saad
- Department of Architecture Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Mosul.
- PhD in Theories of Architecture and Architectural Design form University of Technology-Iraq.
3. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khorsheed Mohammed
- Electric and Computer Engineering Dept., Engineering College, University of Duhok (UoD).
- PhD in DSP Architecture for Wavelet Transformation Engineering from University of Mosul.
4. Prof. Dr. Tarik Ahmad Rashid
- Software Engineering Dept., Engineering College, Salahaddin University-Erbil (US).
- PhD in Computer Science and informatics Engineering from University College Dublin (UCD), National University of Ireland (NUI).
5. Prof. Dr. Vittorio Simoni
6. Prof. Dr. Habibollah bin Haron
- Computer Science Dept., Faculty of Computing, University Technology Malaysia (UTM).
- PhD in Computer Science from University Technology Malaysia (UTM).
7. Prof. Dr. Pedro Valente
- Economics, Management and Informatics Dept. (DEGI), Portucalense University (UPT), Portugal.
- PhD in Software Systems Engineering from University of Southern Denmark.
8. Asst. Prof. Dr. Subhi Rafeeq Mohammed
- Computer and Communications Engineering Dept., Engineering College, Nawroz University (NZU).
- PhD in Computer Engineering from University of Technology-Iraq.
9. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmed Bakr Khayat
- Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University.
- PhD in Theory of Architecture from University of Technology - Iraq.
10. Asst. Prof. Amjad Muhammed Ali
- Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Sulaimani University.
- PhD in Urban Design from the University of Baghdad-Iraq.
11. Asst. Lect. Alnwar Jasim Muhamed (Committee Reporter)
- Computer and Communications Engineering Dept. - Engineering College-Nawroz University (NZU).
- M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from University of Mosul-Iraq.
Preparatory Committee:
1. Dr. Layla M. Raswol
- Architecture Engineering Dept.-Engineering College-Nawroz University (NZU).
- PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning from University of Technology (TU) Berlin-Germany.
2. Dr. Ibrahim Omer Shekho
- Architecture Engineering Dept.-Engineering College-Nawroz University (NZU).
- PhD in Architecture and House Design from Frotosoan University-Poland.
3. Dr. Mohammed Jassim Mohammed
- Computer and Communications Engineering Dept. - Engineering College -Nawroz University (NZU).
- PhD in Computer Science & Information System from National Space University-Ukraine.
4. Dr. Abdulqadir Ahmed Hamy
- Architecture Engineering Dept.-Engineering College-Nawroz University (NZU).
- PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from Mining and geology, Geotechnical engineering University-Bulgaria.
5. Mr. Fady Esmat Fathel (Committee Reporter)
- Computer and Communications Engineering Dept. - Engineering College -Nawroz University (NZU).
- M.Sc. in Electronic Communication and Computer Engineering from the University of Nottingham-UK.
6. Mr. Shamil Akram Mohamed
- Architecture Engineering Dept.-Engineering College-Nawroz University (NZU).
- M.Sc. in Architecture and Design from University of Baghdad-Iraq.
7. Mr. Masood MohammadSaeed
- Architecture Engineering Dept.-Engineering College-Nawroz University (NZU).
- B.Sc. in Architectural Engineering from University of Duhok-Iraq.
8. Mr. Revink Masoud Abdulhakim
- Computer and Communications Engineering Dept. - Engineering College -Nawroz University (NZU).
- B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Duhok-Iraq.
9. Miss Aveen Adnan Hakeem
- Architecture Engineering Dept.-Engineering College-Nawroz University (NZU).
- B.Sc. in Architectural Engineering from University of Duhok-Iraq.