Objectives of the Symposium
1- Defining the right to public health as one of the rights stipulated in international charters, conventions and constitutions, through analyzing the legislations dealing with the issue of public health, identifying weaknesses and shortcomings and addressing them in a way that responds to the requirements of exercising that right.
2 - Emphasize the role of governmental and administrative institutions in the protection of public health as one of the elements of public order through the exercise of its function of exactly administrative.
3 - To highlight the role of civil society organizations in solving the outstanding problems between the members of the society on the one hand and the state represented by their health institutions, and to value the efforts of these institutions in educating the members of the society and raising awareness about the health culture.
4. The necessity of activating the role of the judiciary in all its forms and its diversity of degrees in the face of violations against the right to public health.