The profession of law between theory and practice
Introduction to the course:
1- Course type: development
2- Organizer: Law Department at the College of Law and Politics of NU, in cooperation with the Legal Clinic in the college.
3- Course location: Law Department, College of Law and Politics, Nawroz University.
4- Duration of the course: from the 6/4/2021 to
the 17/4/2021.
About the course:
In cooperation with the Legal Clinic, the Department of Law from the College of Law and Politics at Nawroz University, held a development course. This course was designed for law staff inside and outside of the university, as well as employees of government departments and NGOs. The course lasted a total of 24 hours, spread over two weeks.
The main objectives of the course were as follows:
1- Developing the competence of lawyers in the law fields.
2- Informing lawyers of the most important amendments of the currently implemented laws in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
3- Informing the participants in the course of the most important ethics in the law field.
1- An official letter from the directory that the employee belongs to.
2- A 50 thousand Iraqi Dinar fee for registration.
NOTE: The course is free for law staff of NU.
Dr Dilshad Abdulrehman Yousif, a PhD in Public Law, and the Head of the Law Department at Nawroz University.
Dr Mohammed Hassan Khamo, a PhD in Public Law and editor-in-chief of the academic journal at Nawroz University.