Work Shops :
Date Type of Participation Conference – Work Shop Names
June 16-27, 2014 June 16-27, 2014 Trainee Training in Language Documentation and Revitalization – CoLang 2014: Institute on Language Collaborative Research, University of Texas at Arlington , Texas , USA
January 14, 2014 Trainee Introduction to Student-Centered Teaching Strategies. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Duhok
October 22-24 2013, Trainee Garnet Education Induction Training Course for ‘Foundation English for University Students ‘. Training and Development Center, University of Duhok
August 12 – 30 , 2013 Trainee Language Development: Evolution, Change, Acquisition: Empirical Approaches to the Cultural Evolution of Language, the Social Foundation of Language Change and Bilingualism and Second Language Learning: Cognitive and Neuropsychological. DGfS Summer School 2013. Humboldt –Universitat zu Berlin, Germany
February 23-25 2013 Trainee Curriculum Design and Development Workshop. American Language Academy and University of Duhok .
February 19-20 2013 Trainee Quality Assurance and mechanism in language provision for Higher Education in the Kurdistan region, Iraq. British Council and University of Kurdistan Hawler. Erbil,
January 28 -30 2013 Trainee Training and Workshops in “Modern Teaching Methodology and Excellence in University Teaching “. Institute of International Education (IIE).
2012- 2013 Trainee Iraq University Linkage Faculty Development Workshops , including : Presenting Your Professional Experience . IREX Education
October 20 – November 17 Trainee Training of Trainers and workshops , Department of English and English Language Center, Michigan State University (MSU) East Lansing, Michigan, USA .
August 16-24 2012 Trainee Introduction to Teaching English for Academic Purposes, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
June 30 2012 Trainee Iraq University Linkages Faculty Development Workshops , including Moodle Curriculum Development Course . IREX Education
March 29 – April 22, 2012 Trainee Iraq University Linkages Faculty Development Workshops , including Moodle Curriculum Development Course . IREX Education
June 2010 Trainee Teaching Research Ethics Workshop, DePauw University, Indiana, USA
June 2010 Trainee Syllabus Design Symposium, DePauw University, Indiana, USA
April 2010 Trainee Speaking /Listening Workshop: Speaking and Listening Competencies for College Students, DePauw University, Indiana, USA
April 2010 Trainee Human Resources: Interviewing Workshop-, DePauw University, Indiana, USA .
March-May 2010 Trainee Mobile Learning and E Learning, DePauw University, Indiana, USA
March 2010 Trainee Tutoring Workshop, DePauw University, Indiana, USA
March 2010 Trainee - Human Resources: Professional Management Workshop, DePauw University, Indiana, USA
February 2010 Trainee - Composition Writing at University Level, Cengage Learning, Indiana, USA
August 2003 Trainee Human Rights Workshop, United Nations Developing Program (UNDP), Erbil, Iraq
February 2002 Trainee Warehouse Management Training, World Food Program (WFP), Kirkuk, Iraq
November 2011 Trainee Safety Awareness Training, United Nations Developing Program (UNDP), Baghdad, Iraq
February 1985 Trainee - Materials & Design for English Language Teaching –, Staff Developing Center and Polytechnic of Central London
July 1979 Trainee A Course in English Language, British Council, Baghdad, Iraq
August 1975 Trainee A Course in English Language and Literature, University of London, London , England