المؤتمر الدولي الأول للتحديات الهندسية في إقليم كوردستان 2018



Presently, Kurdistan Region faces big challenges due to the political and economic circumstances. However, the region kept developing in all engineering fields. Continues monitoring of the development is required to reach beneficial outcomes for the region. Under the motto of “International Conference on Engineering Challenges in Kurdistan Region”, the Engineering College of Nawroz University holds its first scientific conference for the period from 5 to 6 of May 2018. The conference goal is to illustrate the scientific development in all engineering fields to keep up with the current advances in the world and its effect on Kurdistan Region. The themes of the conference will vary over the wide spectrum of engineering fields. Researchers and experts from all around the world are invited to contribute papers and submit their researches to trench the outcomes of this scientific conference. Moreover, all the submitted papers will be subjected to peer-blind review by experts and the accepted scripts will be published in the Scientific Journal of Nawroz University.

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