کۆلیژا ئەندازیارى



As a scintific activity college of engineering\department of architecture  will open it's 6th annual exhibition on 4th may 2019 at 10:00 am  by the Presence of "Asst. Prof. Dr. Ezzat Findi Yahya"President of Nawroz University,dean of engineering college "Dr. Layla  Muhammed Rasul",  group of deans, teaching staff and students. it is an exhibition where (architecture,art and technology)mets, the exhibition intends to expose the work of the architecture engineering department students submitted as study requirments for the subject of (history of architecture / 2nd year,3rd year and 5th year class ),(freehand drawing /2nd year class),( advanced building technology/4th class , local architecture and  5th year)

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