کلیة الهندسة

ورش العمل

ورش العمل

في يوم الاثنين المصادف 14/9/2022 قامت عمادة كلية الهندسة في جامعة نوروز بتنظيم ورشة عمل ادارها الدكتور (محمد فلاح) حولموضوع (How to organize a course plan and course book content). وتم مناقشة العديد من المحاور خلال هذه الورشة، عبر المشاركون من خلالها عن آرا...

College of Engineering in Nawroz University cooperating with the  Duhok General Directorate of Culture and Art did its workshop on 24th February 2020, which was about Focus Group Extracurricular. The event was attended by the dean of the Engineering College...

College of Engineering in Nawroz University cooperating with the  Udine University did its workshop on 31th March 2019 at 10:00 am in the Kurdistan hall of Nawroz University. The workshop's title was (Development of Cooperative Program and Research), which ...

College of engineering with the help of the research center at duhok university organazied a workshop about how to write and prepare scintific researches in an academic manner that is suitable for  publication in the  high ranking journals with remarkable i...

participate in international workshop (urban thinker) by the (UN habitate  and giz) and german university in Egypt at 8-12/12 for advanced civil planing and finding(pointing) its problems  in  east region, in this activity the representative(agent)and the p...

 ( Introduction to Spatial Database ) مشارکة ( 15 ) طالب من جامعة نوروزمن كلية الهندسة بكلا القسمين(هندسة الحاسبات والاتصالات ,قسم المعمارية) وكلية التقنية المعلوماتية(قسم علوم الحاسبات)  في ورشة عمل بعنوان   في جامعة اودیني على اساس الاتفاقية التي حصلت ماب...

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