کۆلیژا زمان

گه‌نگه‌شا ئه‌كادمی

گه‌نگه‌شا ئه‌كادمی

السنة الدراسية : 2023-2024
Semester No. : 1
Term Autumn (Fall)

Theoritical Hours 1 Practical Hours 1 Tutorial Hours 1 Credit Hours 1

1. Instroductory Information

Module Name Academic Debate 
Module Code  
Module Type  Bologna System
Hours Per Week  Theory (One hour), Practical (One Hour
No. of ECTS  
Language of Instruction  English

2. Instructor Information

Lecturer(s) Name Agar Fadhil Ali
Academic Title  Pending
Qualification  Masters in Linguistics
Department  English
College  Languages
Contact Details

 E-mail address: agar.fadhil@nawroz.edu.krd

Mobile Number: 0750-412-3144

3. Teaching Assistant Information

TA Name  
TA Academic Title  
TA Qualification  
TA Department  
TA Contact Details  

4. Module Overview

This module guides students through a comprehensive exploration of academic inquiry, providing tools for confident navigation. It emphasizes refining presentation skills, addressing research intricacies, and fostering critical thinking. Participants develop strategies for source identification, information navigation, and upholding academic integrity. The focus is on personal and professional growth, encouraging meaningful dialogue and embracing diverse perspectives.

5. Module Objective

MO CodeModule Objectives
MO1  Refine speaking skills for effective oral communication.
MO2  Develop advanced research abilities for compelling arguments.
MO3  Master the art of sourcing and using credible information.
MO4 Acquire academic proficiency in presenting, avoiding plagiarism, and discerning facts from opinions.
MO5 Elevate active listening skills for a nuanced understanding of diverse viewpoints.
MO6 Cultivate group work and problem-solving skills for collaborative debate success.

6. Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome CodeLearning Outcome
LO1  Demonstrate enhanced oral communication proficiency through refined speaking skills, facilitating clear and persuasive expression in academic debate settings.
LO2  Showcase advanced research abilities by effectively locating, analysing, and integrating diverse sources, contributing to the development of compelling arguments.
LO3  Exhibit mastery in sourcing and utilizing credible information, ensuring the use of reliable evidence to support and strengthen debate positions.
LO4 Apply comprehensive academic skills, including effective presentation techniques, plagiarism avoidance, and the ability to differentiate between facts and opinions, fostering a well-rounded and scholarly approach to debating.

8. Assessment Strategy

Task(s)LO of the Assessment ToolNumberMarks BreakdownTotal





Assignments LO4 1 2
Quizzes  LO4   2 10 
Projects LO2  1 2
Homework  LO4  2
Mid-term Examination




 1 20  20
Final Examination    1 50   50
Total 100% 100 

9. Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Lecture
  • class discussion
  • group presentation
  • reports
  • projects

10. Module Reading List and References

Core Textbooks/Resources:

1. Areni, G. K.D.& Syafri, F. (2015 ). Critical Thinking in Teaching Writing Book Review Language Circle Journal of Language and Literature Vol. IX/2  

2. Bean, John C. (2001). Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

3. Supplemental Textbooks/Resources:

4. https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/style-and-usage/guide-to-writing-a-book- review.html.  Foolproof Guide to Writing a Book Review

5. https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/tips-and-advice/writing-tips/writing-tips-for-teens/how-to-write-a-book-review/. How to write a book review

6. Gottschalk, Katherine and Keith Hjortshoj (2004). “What Can You Do with Student Writing?” In The Elements of Teaching Writing: A Resource for Instructors in All Disciplines. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

7. Millis, Barbara J. (2002). “Enhancing Learning-and More! Through Collaborative Learning. IDEA Paper 38. The IDEA Center. http://www.theideacenter.org/sites/default/files/Idea_Paper_38.pdf

8. Nilson, Linda. (2003). “Improving Student Peer Feedback.” College Teaching, 51 (1), p. 34-38.


11. Grading Key

GradeRangeGrade PointLabel
Excellent 95 - 100 4.0 A+
90 - <95 3.8 A
Very Good 85 - <90 3.6 A-
80 - <85 3.4 B+
Good 75 - <80 3.2 B
70 - <75 3 B-
Satisfactory 65 - <70 2.8 C+
60 - <65 2.6 C
Pass 55 - <60 2.4 C-
50 - <55 2.2 D
Fail <50 0.0 F

12. Module Handbook Approval

Head of Departmental Scientific Committee
Name  Lazgin Kheder S. Barany
Academic Title  Assistant Professor
E-mail  lazgin.barany@nawroz.edu.krd
Date  02 December 2023