کلیة الهندسة



Themes :

Challenges of sustainable architecture and urban heritages

Architectural identity and characteristics of urban patterns in Kurdistan

Revitalisation of architectural and urban heritage 

Environmental aspects of architectural urban forms in Kurdistan

Technology & Intellectual Development impacts on architecture

Participated Themes :

1. Bearing Capacity of Duhok city depending on S.P.T results and laboratory tests by Dr.Abulaqader Ahmed Hame

2.Erbil Citadel: The Impact of the Circuit Route on Its Urban Pattern by prof.Ali Haider Saad &Msc.Wafaa Anwar Sulaiman

3.Contemporary economic housing in Erbil .. Characteristics and evaluation by Dr.Hasan Alsanjary

4.The impact of climatic characteristics on the sustainable design of Mountain building Cities Akra residential building as a case study 



 by Dr.Ibrahim Omer Shekho & Prof Asst.Raeed S. Ahmed Al - numman


5.Urban Form & Structure of Residential Area in Duhok Characteristics and Typologies



 by Dr.Layla Mohammed Raswol / Dean of Engineering College/Nawroz University


6.Effect of urban design on the tourism facilities by Dr.Saba Ibrahim Taha

شارك :